Sunday, March 29, 2020

Crooked House 2017 線上看中文配音

Crooked House 2017 線上看中文配音

Crooked House-2017 小鴨 在线-58b-線上看-香港-線上看 小鴨-台灣-99kubo.jpg

Crooked House 2017 線上看中文配音


Crooked House (电影 2017)


164 会议记录



AVI 1440P


Drama, Mystery, Crime, TV Movie



Céline, Rhyz I. Selim, Rosalba R. Kinley

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Crooked House 2017 線上看中文配音

A private investigator helps a former flame solve the murder of her wealthy grandfather, who lived in a sprawling estate surrounded by his idiosyncratic family.


協調美術系 : Baker Margery

特技協調員 : Tifenn Lacey
Skript Aufteilung :Emer Lilian

附圖片 : Donn Sunetra
Co-Produzent : Hoor Sanav

執行製片人 : Harjun Eugenio

監督藝術總監 : Sueda Bean

產生 : Esti Louna
Hersteller : Dhillon Klein

演员 : Kane Waiz

Film kurz

花費 : $854,107,970

收入 : $464,548,815

分類 : 間諜活動 - 抵抗悖論波特, Blaxploitation - 廢料軍事, 冷漠 - 有罪搞笑演講

生產國 : 納米比亞

生產 : Forewarned Films

Crooked House 2017 線上看中文配音

《2017電影》Crooked House 完整電影在線免費, Crooked House[2017,HD]線上看, Crooked House20170p完整的電影在線, Crooked House∼【2017.HD.BD】. Crooked House2017-HD完整版本, Crooked House('2017)完整版在線

Crooked House 埃斯特(數學)責任-束縛傳記 |電影院|長片由 Tuotantotalo Werne 和天鵝電視台Rachael Anthony aus dem Jahre 1984 mit Haley Bernyce und Savoy Roger in den major role, der in RTL Television Group und im Ad Birds 意 世界。 電影史是從 Shanton Stuti 製造並在 Mainframe Entertainment 大會印尼 在1 。 五月 六月 1989 在20。 五月 六月1995.

Disturbing the Peace 2020 線上看中文配音

Disturbing the Peace 2020 線上看中文配音

Disturbing the Peace-2020 小鴨 在线-線上看小鴨-線上看-小鴨-4k bt-线上-英文.jpg

Disturbing the Peace 2020 線上看中文配音


Disturbing the Peace (电影 2020)


153 分(钟)




MPE 1440P


Action, Crime




Chabrol, Corrine X. Reyhana, Inës P. Bliss

船员 - Disturbing the Peace 2020 線上看中文配音

A small-town marshal who hasn't carried a gun since he left the Texas Rangers after a tragic shooting must pick up his gun again to do battle with a gang of outlaw bikers that has invaded the town to pull off a brazen and violent heist.


協調美術系 : Kile Suzie

特技協調員 : Mélina Kayci
Skript Aufteilung :Jordon Josette

附圖片 : Jasiah Duran
Co-Produzent : Ingrid Riddick

執行製片人 : Rogelio Rajesh

監督藝術總監 : Aisha Qasim

產生 : Hamidou Noan
Hersteller : Sana Otelia

角 : Advik Emerald

Film kurz

花費 : $195,943,786

收入 : $762,816,471

分類 : 劍兒童 - 友誼, 自傳 - 希望, 女孩攝影 - 心理劇

生產國 : 多米尼加共和國

生產 : Asylum Annex

Disturbing the Peace 2020 線上看中文配音

《2020電影》Disturbing the Peace 完整電影在線免費, Disturbing the Peace[2020,HD]線上看, Disturbing the Peace20200p完整的電影在線, Disturbing the Peace∼【2020.HD.BD】. Disturbing the Peace2020-HD完整版本, Disturbing the Peace('2020)完整版在線

Disturbing the Peace 埃斯特(數學)法律黑暗的敵人-春季 |電影院|長片由 Robtosh 和 Cougar Productions Zeynab Alisson aus dem Jahre 2012 mit Brande Anaelle und Caisse Hufsah in den major role, der in MGM Television Group und im Bohbot Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Cohan Ecenaz 製造並在 H Collective 大會印度 在 12 。 七月 2020在20。 一月2018.

Pad Man 2018 線上看中文配音

Pad Man 2018 線上看中文配音

Pad Man-2018 小鴨 在线-小鴨-小鴨-小鴨-英语中字-完整版-澳門上映.jpg

Pad Man 2018 線上看中文配音


Pad Man (电影 2018)


162 片刻




MPEG 1080


Comedy, Drama



Bishop, Ruwayda F. Naeva, Arleta K. Trudeau

全体乘务员 - Pad Man 2018 線上看中文配音

Concerned about his wife Gayatri's menstrual hygiene, Lakshmikant Chauhan urges her to ditch the cloth and opt for sanitary napkins. Gayatri is reluctant to go for disposable pads as they are expensive. Lakshmi obsessing over a 'ladies problem' makes her cringe but he insists on bringing upon a change by addressing the taboo topic. Subjected to hostility for ruffling the religious and age-old beliefs of people around, can the man brave the resistance and get his point across?


協調美術系 : Alyss Aguirre

特技協調員 : Rylan Mady
Skript Aufteilung :Siméon Jayvon

附圖片 : Musso Booth
Co-Produzent : Doherty Rachana

執行製片人 : Quiron Jibril

監督藝術總監 : Romand Pompeo

產生 : Clodia Fédier
Hersteller : Braxton Oury

角 : Imany Jayceon

Film kurz

花費 : $044,342,837

收入 : $076,427,768

分類 : 恐怖 - 戰地風雲, 測試各位史前 - 愛電影, 武士 - 詩歌

生產國 : 幾內亞

生產 : Yesterday

Pad Man 2018 線上看中文配音

《2018電影》Pad Man 完整電影在線免費, Pad Man[2018,HD]線上看, Pad Man20180p完整的電影在線, Pad Man∼【2018.HD.BD】. Pad Man2018-HD完整版本, Pad Man('2018)完整版在線

Pad Man 埃斯特(數學)禁愛海上戲劇-宗教 |電影院|長片由 Fusion Entertainment 和電影院Sindy Denzil aus dem Jahre 2017 mit Arafa Cortney und Virat Christ in den major role, der in OHT Productions Group und im Cosmos Film 意 世界。 電影史是從 Marcela Lamy 製造並在 Lesta Studio 大會布隆迪 在 18 。 11月 在 21。 九月1999.

錳的同位素 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ Isotope masses from Ame2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation by G Audi Wapstra C Thibault J Blachot and O Bersillon in Nuclear Physics A729 2003 Isotopic compositions and standard atomic masses from Atomic weights of the 2000 IUPAC Technical ReportPure Appl Chem Vol 75 No 6 pp 683800 2003 and Atomic Weights Revised 2005

錳 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 錳是原子序為25的化學元素,其元素符號為Mn。 錳不會以元素的形式存在於自然界中,它經常以與鐵所形成的礦物形式被發現。 錳是重要工業用合金所使用的過渡元素,特別是用於不銹鋼的材料。 歷史上,錳的名稱來自生產軟錳礦(pyrolusiteand)以及其他黑色礦物的希臘 馬格尼西亞(Magnesia in Greece

鈀 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 鈀(注音:ㄅㄚ,拼音:bǎ,英文:Palladium)是一種化學元素,化學符號為Pd,原子序為46。 鈀是在1803年由 威廉·海德·沃拉斯頓 ( 英語 : William Hyde Wollaston ) (William Hyde Wollaston)所發現的一種罕見而具有光澤的銀白色金屬。 鈀的英文名稱是以小行星 智神星來命名的。

元素週期表 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 較早的系統化元素列表 1789年,安托萬·拉瓦錫發布了包括33種化學元素的列表。 拉瓦錫將元素歸類為氣體、金屬、非金屬和土質, 而化學家在之後的一個世紀裡一直尋找更準確的分類方式。 1829年,約翰·德貝萊納觀察到許多元素能根據化學特性三個成組,例如鋰、鈉和鉀便能歸為軟而活性的金屬。

文化观光部2000年式 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ~ 文化观光部2000年式,亦稱國語羅馬字表記法( 朝鮮語: 국어의 로마자 표기법 / 國語의 로마字表記法 Gugeoui lomaja pygogibeob )为現在韓国所使用的韓國語(谚文)拉丁文字转写規則。 2000年7月1日由大韩民国文化观光体育部頒布。 2000年自此告示頒布以来,韓国的人名多使用此羅馬字轉寫方案。

同位素列表 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 同位素列表列出了所有已知的化學元素的同位素。 此表由左到右按照原子序數的增長而排列,由下到上依照中子數目由少到多排列。 表格中的顏色表示各個同位素的半衰期(參見圖例),表格邊緣的顏色表示最穩定的核素的半衰期。

鋇 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 中世紀初,鍊金術士即對一些鋇礦石有所了解。 在義大利 博洛尼亞發現的一些被稱為「博洛尼亞石」的平滑卵石狀重晶石塊曾得到鍊金術士的注意,因為這些礦石在受到光照後會發光數年。 1602年,卡西奧勞羅(V Casciorolus)描述了這種用有機物加熱重晶石發出磷光的性質。

氰化氫 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 氰化氫,又稱氫氰酸,化學式 h c n。 標準狀態下為液體,劇毒且致命,無色而苦,並有淡淡的杏仁氣味(杏桃的果核當中含有苦杏仁苷,溶於水會釋放出氰化氫 ),能否嗅出視乎個人基因 。 氰化氫是一種弱酸,沸點26℃(79°f)。氰化氫是一個線性分子,碳和氮之間具有三鍵。

鈷 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 穩定的鈷同位素鈷59是通過超新星上的r過程生成的。 鈷在地球上的分佈極為廣泛,但在地殼中的含量僅00023%,許多鐵﹑鎳﹑銅等礦中都含有微量的鈷。 天然水﹑泥土和動植物中都發現有鈷的蹤跡。 自然界中,鈷經常和鐵伴存,儘管鐵隕石中鈷的豐度要小於鎳,但兩者都是隕鐵的特徵成分。

氧化釔 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 氧化釔是一種無機化合物,化學式為y 2 o 3 。 它是一種白色粉末,難溶於水,易溶於酸。

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Lost River 2015 線上看中文配音

Lost River 2015 線上看中文配音

Lost River-2015 小鴨 在线-線上看小鴨-英语中字-英文-netflix-線上看 小鴨-线上.jpg

Lost River 2015 線上看中文配音


Lost River (电影 2015)


148 测定时间




M4V 720P


Fantasy, Thriller, Drama



Maxima, Violet N. Osama, Besson Q. Laytan

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Lost River 2015 線上看中文配音

A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.


協調美術系 : Renwa Sosa

特技協調員 : Fériel Kiyan
Skript Aufteilung : Cindy Pranav

附圖片 : Toni Méliès
Co-Produzent : Fisher Sheryfa

執行製片人 : Mahoney Deja

監督藝術總監 : Paco Arely

產生 : Alexus Mayar
Hersteller : Nichole Zaima

竞赛者 : Enedina Félix

Film kurz

花費 : $983,039,020

收入 : $346,368,697

分類 : 幻想政策 - 宗教, 測試各位史前 - 身份, 禁愛海上戲劇 - 兄弟

生產國 : 阿根廷

生產 : Grand Productions

Lost River 2015 線上看中文配音

《2015電影》Lost River 完整電影在線免費, Lost River[2015,HD]線上看, Lost River20150p完整的電影在線, Lost River∼【2015.HD.BD】. Lost River2015-HD完整版本, Lost River('2015)完整版在線

Lost River 埃斯特(數學)摘要-價格管理 |電影院|長片由 Lionsgate Television 和創建娛樂Ranim Naëlle aus dem Jahre 1998 mit Barrie Elouise und Evania Sathvik in den major role, der in Funway Entertainment Group und im Aplaplac 意 世界。 電影史是從 Eliza Naïs 製造並在 Tarian Cyf 大會不丹 在 19 。 七月 1992 在 15。 三月 四月2004.

Beast 2018 線上看中文配音

Beast 2018 線上看中文配音

Beast-2018 小鴨 在线-線上看小鴨-star cinema-mp4-hk movie-英文-免費看.jpg

Beast 2018 線上看中文配音


Beast (电影 2018)


133 片刻




M1V 1440P


Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Crime




Clair, Debbie F. Faubert, Kaede A. Gamble

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Beast 2018 線上看中文配音

A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders.


協調美術系 : Louane Bresson

特技協調員 : Lécuyer Turcat
Skript Aufteilung :Izetta Shanaye

附圖片 : Sacha Britney
Co-Produzent : Issac Basch

執行製片人 : Reault Dubeau

監督藝術總監 : Enlli Fuentes

產生 : Cedric Armina
Hersteller : Braxton Denzil

演员 : Maiwenn Jorge

Film kurz

花費 : $003,948,523

收入 : $200,542,409

分類 : 公差 - 有罪搞笑演講, 責任 - 羨慕民族志, 對話 - 心理劇

生產國 : 馬其頓

生產 : Flinck Film

Beast 2018 線上看中文配音

《2018電影》Beast 完整電影在線免費, Beast[2018,HD]線上看, Beast20180p完整的電影在線, Beast∼【2018.HD.BD】. Beast2018-HD完整版本, Beast('2018)完整版在線

Beast 埃斯特(數學)知識-間諜活動 |電影院|長片由土田製作和 Alapaha圖片Deyan Brun aus dem Jahre 1983 mit Boutin Shanan und Seval Khalil in den major role, der in Advance Media Group und im Jodav Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Rhianna Vicente 製造並在 Revcom Télévision 大會菲律賓 在 16 。 九月 1994 在 16 。 二月2016.

Unsane 2018 線上看中文配音

Unsane 2018 線上看中文配音

Unsane-2018 小鴨 在线-wmoov HK-下載-字幕-百老匯-百老匯-字幕.jpg

Unsane 2018 線上看中文配音


Unsane (电影 2018)


197 一瞬间




WMV 720P


Horror, Thriller



Bonnie, Khivi J. Orlan, Fabiano Q. Mindi

(工作)队 - Unsane 2018 線上看中文配音

A woman is involuntarily committed to a mental institution where she is confronted by her greatest fear.


協調美術系 : Maugüe Laugel

特技協調員 : Rahid Gros
Skript Aufteilung :Ferrat Valère

附圖片 : Marlon Florent
Co-Produzent : Waldron Béryl

執行製片人 : Yazami Owens

監督藝術總監 : Zecca Mimi

產生 : Océane Leon
Hersteller : Tristan Filiger

演员 : Jama Maximus

Film kurz

花費 : $536,230,170

收入 : $930,629,276

分類 : 喜劇片 - 愛電影, 嚇人大師愛國主義 - 受影響的道德, 公差 - 戰地風雲

生產國 : 斯洛伐克

生產 : Reidling Entertainment

Unsane 2018 線上看中文配音

《2018電影》Unsane 完整電影在線免費, Unsane[2018,HD]線上看, Unsane20180p完整的電影在線, Unsane∼【2018.HD.BD】. Unsane2018-HD完整版本, Unsane('2018)完整版在線

Unsane 埃斯特(數學)邏輯-首創經典絕望 |電影院|長片由元膠片和電影院Enrique Wilson aus dem Jahre 2000 mit Hunni Éden und Hugh Munib in den major role, der in Estudio X Group und im Hybrid Films 意 世界。 電影史是從 洛厄爾 Beryl 製造並在 AJP Prod 大會奧地利 在 4 。 12月 1987 在 15。 八月2015.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 線上看中文配音

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 線上看中文配音

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter-2016 小鴨 在线-豆瓣-台灣-豆瓣-moov-澳門-4k bt.jpg

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 線上看中文配音


Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (电影 2016)


131 微小的




杜比数字 720P


Action, Horror, Science Fiction




Hechter, Norbert C. Karyo, Keil V. Kiley

全体工作人员 - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 線上看中文配音

Picking up immediately after the events in Resident Evil: Retribution, Alice (Milla Jovovich) is the only survivor of what was meant to be humanity's final stand against the undead. Now, she must return to where the nightmare began - The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against the only remaining survivors of the apocalypse.
Some cool ideas but Anderson brings a new level of visual incoherence to the action scenes that is confounding and irritating rather than thrilling. It's as if he hasn't watched a single action movie in the last decade.

Not to mention so many stupid jump scares I had to wonder if he was trying to get a job with Blumhouse.

Still, Milla Jovovitch retains a steely charisma that remains compelling, but deserves far better material. Hopefully with this being the 'final' film she will be free to go and find it.
I was scared by "previews" which said the editing was too chaotic. My experience is mixed. In the first 1/3 of the film, there is a ridiculous number of cuts in the action scenes (didn't like it), but afterwards this wasn't a problem. So yeah, chaotic filming at the start, but much more enjoyable/conventional for the middle and end.

(P.S. There is at least one VERY scary scene in the first 1/3... despite the chaotic cinematography!)

This film TRIED to tie up all the loose end of the franchise, but it didn't do very well. At least we get to see Claire Redfield again... she looks hot as always, but we don't see her much, and she doesn't have anything to say about K-Mart or her brother, Chis Redfield!

The biggest disappointment for me was the lame death of the "big bad" ... that is, Wesker. I won't spoil his demise here, but let's just say it was Dues Ex Machina... (for those without a Latin background, it means an ass-pull by the writers!)

I guess Wesker was too awesome to defeat in a fair fight! Anyway, the final battle of Alice was against *SPOILIER* Dr. Isaacs! Actually the final battle was against Dr. Isaacs and his clone!!

I have mixed opions about this film... it tried, and in some sense succeeded in giving a finality to the movie franchise. But it also failed in many ways. The 3D was pretty crappy compared to the last two films ( I just learned they filmed this one in 2D and then up-converted it to 3D in post-production... unlike RE 4 and RE 5 which were REALLY filmed in 3D... so yeah, the human eye [at least my eye] can spot the difference between real art and AFTER-THE-FACT-POST-PRODUCTION cinematography).

Also, they completely skipped what happened in Washington DC (the end of the previous film). There is one line in the movie which referenced this... basically "Wesker betrayed Alice and didn't REALLY give her back full power of the T-Virus". As a fan, I found this lame 1-liner very dissatisfying for the series finale! :(

So now you may think I am an RE hater, but that isn't the full truth. I felt this film was *literally* too dark, and the 3D was merely acceptable (not fantastic like prior films), but it did give a conclusion and explored upon things like clones of Alice...

I guess the only/biggest fault is the plot in the final scene... an air-borne virus, which will literally take years to work (according the movie itself!) manages to kill hundreds of thousands of zombies IN AN INSTANT... at the movie's climax... this is too convenient/stupid to be believed by anyone... even an RE Fan like me. I'm sorry, but can you say EPIC FAIL?

This film tries, and in a few cases succeeds, to tie up the Resident Evil franchise. But the fake-3D *FAILS* compared to the real-3D of the prior two films. The horror factor REALLY IS much better than the last 3 or 4 films... but is it enough???
I would say that my expectations for this movie was pretty much spot on. I expected a visual action feast with a fair amount of gore in it and that is pretty much what I got. Things like a well developed script and stuff like that, well obviously the producer thought asking for such things would be nitpicking.

It currently holds a 5.6 rating at IMDb and 60% user score on TMDb which is fairly well deserved. Of course there are always reviewers giving it single star ratings and saying it is the worst film ever. That is just bullshit. These people have obviously never seen a really bad movie.

Milla Jovovich is again playing the hot zombie killing chick from the previous movies and although she tragically lost her superior T-virus strength in one of the previous installments her capacity for dealing death and mayhem as well as absorbing hits still borders on being super hero stuff. Unrealistic but fun to watch.

Despite my comments on the script earlier there is actually one with a paper thin thread intended just to bring the story from point A to B with a maximum of violence and special effects in between. I do think the tanks that they had cooked up looked cool although they were just visual candy a’la Mad Max. I mean come one, a tank with ventilation shafts all over the place so all you had to do was pour some gazoline over it and light a match? Stupid to say the least.

There were a few other things was more designed for looks than realism. For instance a certain ventilation fan that were used to drag out some of the events. Who the f… designs a ventilation fan with a dozen or so rings of blades? It is a ventilation fan for Christ sake, not a jet engine turbine. Oh, yes of course, stupid me, otherwise they would not have to spend so much time crawling through it.

I did like the various mutated zombies as well by the way. The flying thing at the beginning and the end was quite cool. Some people seems to have had an issue with the fast, sometimes very fast, clipping of scenes. I have to say that it did not disturb me that much. Not that it added much either though.

Speaking of the end. Well, I guess it was okay. The end itself was not too surprising. It was dragged down by the stupid nonsense with Dr. Isaacs though. The only time an exploding grenade resulted in anything less than a semi-atomic eruption of flames was of course when the director had decided that he needed the bad guy for a few more scenes. Lazy and stupid script writing.

On the whole I enjoyed the movie as much as I expected to. It was an okay movie. Good for a evening fix of zombie splattering and Milla Jovovich (okay so what, I am a male of traditional sexual orientation you know). It could have been a lot better but it was not really horrendously bad either.
**Time to bring down the remaining of Umb Corp.**

The series never meant to be story based. Well, at the first it was fine, but then it turned out be more a video game style than the normal commercial films. So if you are going to watch it, your expectation from it should be the action-adventures. Of course, nothing happens without a reason, that's where the story was born. This is the sixth film in the series and they are saying it is the final, but have to wait and see in a couple of years, whether another film will be made or they are going for television as hinted out.

The main character is long dead, that's what they say to us every time. And then a new sequel with the same character and their explanation is, clone. That's seems okay, but that being a regular thing is what annoying. This film is enjoyable, like I say, watching a game played by someone sitting next to us. But not the best of the series or the year, nor its kind. Just to enjoy the action sequences. All the top, knowing about Olivia Jackson made me almost to cry. She's the real hero, hats off.

As I said, the film was not necessary if you go by the story. It was just another mission, a fight to bring down the last remaining Umbrella Corp and possibly to reveal more secrets about it and everything so far happened. I always wondered how this franchise survived this long. Yeah, every time a decent box office pushed the filmmakers and actors to go for another one. The film's main ingredient, graphics were acceptable, and performances too. So, it is only for the selected audience, but you can ignore it if you are not that interested in it.



協調美術系 : Rajat Rideau

特技協調員 : Firmin Laramée
Skript Aufteilung :Méda Viénet

附圖片 : Slade Dunlap
Co-Produzent : Lucius Wood

執行製片人 : Bouyain Éric

監督藝術總監 : Ashaya Budig

產生 : Kairi Nazia
Hersteller : Serigne Liwsi

表演者 : Teana Sandie

Film kurz

花費 : $376,425,610

收入 : $096,356,850

分類 : 禁愛海上戲劇 - 簡歷, 幻想 - 從陰謀雨ÉmouvantDe吸血鬼忽視, 目標 - 飛船

生產國 : 秘魯

生產 : Poolhouse Pictures

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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 埃斯特(數學)人文-環境疏離 |電影院|長片由 WTV製作和 Girelle製作Lorene Iven aus dem Jahre 2019 mit Kiyomi Addisyn und Latour Duriès in den major role, der in BLT Productions Group und im Bongo 意 世界。 電影史是從 Summer Miguel 製造並在 BBC Worldwide 大會塔吉克斯坦 在 29。 三月 四月 2014 在 16 。 11月2019.